Product market fit isn’t enough.

Making something people want is table stakes — the minimum entry for any company seeking growth in today's marketplace.

You could have the most innovative product, or the best service, but if your message doesn’t resonate with your market, it’s all for nothing. You're stuck in the same competitive bucket.

Your ideal customers are out there right now, scrolling through an endless feed of ads, posts, and notifications. And with every passing second, attention spans are getting shorter, and their ability to tell the difference between products A-Z are at historical lows thanks to low-code, no-code, and AI.

But here’s the thing – you don't have to join the crowd by sending a barrage of buzzwords, or race to influence the influencers. That's like trying to whisper in a hurricane.

There’s a way to not only get noticed, but remembered. To not only attract attention, but to hold it, nurture it, and transform it into long-term customer value.

How? It begins with message-market fit.

Your audience has a mental filter that’s constantly scanning for messages that are relevant, valuable, and meaningful to them. Messages that speak directly to their needs, that make them stop scrolling, take notice, and think, “This company really gets me.”

When your message fits your market like a key sliding into a lock, that filter starts working for you instead of against you. Your message doesn’t just pass through – it gets flagged, highlighted, and pushed to the top of the mental inbox.

Filtered in, not out.

Suddenly, your company isn’t just another face in the crowd – it’s the face they seek out. The voice they can’t stop listening to. The name that keeps popping up in their conversations and thoughts.

That’s the power of message-market fit.

And once you find it, everything changes. Your marketing becomes more effective, your sales cycles get shorter, and your customers become more engaged and more loyal.

You start attracting the right people and repelling the wrong ones.

Message-market fit is demand generation at scale.

So if you’re ready to scale attention and go beyond product market fit, then sign up for the Monday Message newsletter. Delivered every Monday, less than 5 min to read, and free.
Jonathan Hoffsuemmer
Founder, Fltrd

Want more? Grab my book → Message Market Fit